Our Mission

To provide holistic education, nutritious meals, healthcare, and skill development to children from disadvantaged backgrounds, focused not only on the development of body and intellect but also on moral and spiritual values.

Our Vision

To cultivate students who will be balanced human beings, have self-understanding, be lifelong learners, excel in their respective fields, experience social mobility in life, and contribute back to society.

Inspired by the principles and teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda
(Mahavtar Babaji’s Kriya Yoga lineage)

Our Ethos

  1. Self-understanding: Cultivating the essential life skills of being aware of the level and quality of their energy and understanding how to increase, calm, or focus their energy.
  2. Discipline: Upholding integrity by consistently choosing to do what is right, even in the absence of supervision.
  3. Regularity: Demonstrating commitment through punctuality in attendance and timely completion of tasks.
  4. Gratitude: Cultivating a sense of appreciation towards everyone who contributes to our community.
  5. Sharing and Caring: Fostering empathy and responsibility towards all beings, both living and non-living.
  6. Resilience: Learning to deal with the ups and downs, the successes and disappointments that are integral to life.
  7. Be a buddy, not a bully: Promoting a culture of kindness and support, actively helping others instead of causing harm.
  8. Embracing change: Welcoming life's transformations as opportunities for personal growth and collective improvement.
  9. Happy Child: Happy Teachers – Happy School: Creating an environment where joy and positivity empower every member towards a brighter future.
  10. Good communication: Promoting respectful dialogue in every language, fostering understanding and harmony.
  11. Health and hygiene: Prioritizing fresh, nutritious food and maintaining cleanliness in our surroundings for overall well-being.
  12. Respecting all individuals and our environment: Honouring the dignity of every person and treating our natural resources with care and responsibility.


1. Laboratories

"Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn." — Benjamin Franklin

LPSSS believes in the power of learning by doing. To foster curiosity and hands-on learning, we provide fully equipped STEAM, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Astronomy, and Composite Science Labs for our students. These labs are integral to the learning process, offering students the opportunity to explore, experiment, and understand complex concepts in a practical setting.

2. Transportation

Safety is not a gadget but a state of mind." – Eleanor Everet

We prioritize the safety and comfort of our students with our point-to-point transportation service. Our well-maintained fleet of buses is equipped with all necessary safety measures, ensuring a secure journey to and from school.

3. Meals

"Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. All parts are interconnected." — T. Colin

LPSSS recognizes the vital role that nutrition plays in the overall development of students. Our nutrition program is thoughtfully designed to provide special breakfast and lunch options that cater to the diverse nutritional needs of our students. We believe that a well-nourished student is a thriving student, and our commitment to their health is reflected in the quality and variety of the meals we provide.

4. Sports

"Sports teach you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose—it teaches you about life." — Billie Jean King

We recognize the crucial role sports play in the holistic development of students. We provide comprehensive sports and fitness classes aimed at fostering physical health, teamwork, discipline, and resilience. Our goal is to instil a lifelong love for physical activity, helping students to not only excel in their academic pursuits but also to grow into well-rounded individuals with strong character and leadership skills.

5. Counselling

“Counselling is not just about helping students; it’s about empowering them to navigate their journey with confidence and resilience.”

Our counselling department is dedicated to supporting children in overcoming struggles, learning delays, and challenges by providing personalized assistance. In addition, parent counselling is offered to involve them in the child’s developmental journey, fostering a collaborative approach to their growth.

6. Special Education

"Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or in the same way." - George Evans

LPSSS believes that every child deserves the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their learning pace or challenges. Our school provides special education to students who may need additional support in their studies. We offer tailored programs and resources to help these students reach their full potential and bring them to the same level as their peers.

7. Life Skill Education

“ A little consideration, a little thought for others makes the difference” – Eeyore

Life Skills Education prepares students to be responsible, self-reliant individuals who can contribute positively to society and adapt to the evolving demands of the world. This education fosters personal development, emotional intelligence, and social skills, enabling students to handle stress, communicate effectively, and build healthy relationships.

8. Health Education

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” — Mahatma Gandhi

LPSSS understands the crucial role that health education plays in a student's overall development. We aim to equip our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. Through our health education classes, we strive to cultivate healthy habits, promote mental and physical wellness, and empower students to lead balanced lives.

9. Skill Development

"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." — Albert Einstein

LPSSS recognizes the importance of equipping students with essential skills for the future. These classes are designed to empower students, preparing them for real-world challenges and enhancing their overall personal and professional growth. Through hands-on learning and interactive sessions, we strive to build confident, adaptable, and capable individuals who are ready to excel in various aspects of life.